Welcome to my huf haus blogspot! Over the forthcoming days and weeks, I intend (and I have good intentions!) to keep you updated with the progress of our "haus". I'm not an expert blogger so please bear with me ....I'll try my best!

Thursday, 27 March 2008


Well those Germans don't hang around!! We arrived on site around 2.45pm today and again there was a visible difference from the day before! (see pic) You can now see the exact "shape" of the house and get a good idea of the size (it will bigger again with the roof on).

The roof trusses all in place and we have upstairs rooms that we can walk around! It was great seeing our master bedroom, complete with dressing room and a rather large en-suite!

Today my parents and Sheila (family friend) came to site so I took great pleasure in "showing-off" our home to be!! Again check out the picture!

So onto the afternoon...another wagon was on site with the roof panels and come 4pm it was on with craning these into place. Another mean feat....Of the 5-man team (plus crane driver), the young apprentice lad was preparing each panel for lifting...the crane drive swiftly "swung" it through the air (and did it fly!) and then 2 lads were on the roof awaiting it's landing!! Piece after piece, they were prepared, swung, placed and fixed into place in true german efficent style!!

Luckily today the weather has been good hence all the lovely blue skies on my piccies! So, what do you think???

You've probably noticed as well that the site is looking much tidier! Whilst all this german efficency as been going on we cannot forget Andy- our english groundswork man! He has today backfilled all the drains (no more jumping over trenches), he's levelled alot of the soil and tidied off the driveway! The germans of course make no mess as they tidy as they go, sending all wastage back to germany when the emptied wagon leaves!! WE LOVE IT!!!

So once again we hung around watching progress until 7pm (ish) and once again as we left the Germans were still working! Oh, almost forgot to mention....they had a brew break today!! They are human after all!!! And they took a full 15 minutes!!! WOW!

See you tomorrow!