Welcome to my huf haus blogspot! Over the forthcoming days and weeks, I intend (and I have good intentions!) to keep you updated with the progress of our "haus". I'm not an expert blogger so please bear with me ....I'll try my best!

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Ralph The Plumber!

So Ralph the plumber is with us...and as of last night (day 2 for him) he'd got tons done ...don't forget at the moment he's on his own!!

Whilst I'm not 100% as to what he's actualy doing, I can tell you vents have appeared, piping as been laid (the picture above is of the ensuite bathroom piping) and a rather interesting control system for the underfloor heating zones has appeared....see the picture! We've also got a large water tank (although we'll need that with the size of my bath!!) He's working rather hard!

I had to laugh though when I went down yeasterday...Ralph has brought with him all of his own lunch facilities...food, drink, coffee perculator and pizza oven! Yes, you've read that right...he's brought a PIZZA OVEN!!! How bizarre!! It's great!

Ralph was also telling us that there have been quite a few huf "tourists" coming for a look! I'll be honest, if it wasn't my house I'd probably be calling for a nosey too! The only thing that has stopped me going tonight is the fact that I have to start packing to move. All being well (weather permitting, it's snowing as I type!) I'll go look tomorrow instead!